Monday, May 24, 2010

Emergency surgery

Yep - eye surgery #2. 7 months after the first one. Over weekend noticed a dark shadow creeping across my right eye from left. Realized it wasn't my nose. So got an appointment first thing Monday and a referral for 2pm to confirm needed a different procedure that this time involved anaesthesia. In St Josephs by 5pm and freaked out at them putting in a IV. They wheeled me into an OR and a funky procedure I got to see most of, and luckily feel nothing until the end when they got me on some of the fun pain killers. Then the interesting part of staying in a certain position as much as possible until the eye is fully healing - about 7 days initially and then rest for another week. The procedure was cryotherapy (freezing), to seal the retina to the back wall of the eye again and pneumatic retinopexy which describes the injection of a gas bubble into the vitreous space inside the eye enabling the gas bubble to push the retinal tear back against the wall of the eye and close the tear.

So spending the week minimising activity and seeing a bubble in my eye. So now it is time to let the eye heal - and heal well - so I can get back to normal.

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